
Fees Valid For 2024/2025 School Year

Annual Cost Estimation

Fees valid for 2023/2024 School year

You can get an estimate of the total School Fees for your whole family, including discount for large families.
The final cost may vary depending on the payment terms of your choice.

Age French English American Indonesia
2-3 TPS
3-4 PS Nursery Nursery KB
4-5 MS Reception Pre-K TK Kecil
5-6 GS Year 1 Kindergarten TK Besar
6-7 CP Year 2 1st Grade SD 1
7-8 CE1 Year 3 2nd Grade SD 2
8-9 CE2 Year 4 3rd Grade SD 3
9-10 CM1 Year 5 4th Grade SD 4
10-11 CM2 Year 6 5th Grade SD 5
11-12 6ème Year 7 6th Grade SD 6
12-13 5ème Year 8 7th Grade SMP 1
13-14 4ème Year 9 8th Grade SMP 2
14-15 3ème Year 10 9th Grade SMP 3
15-16 2nde Year 11 10th Grade SMA 1
16-17 1ère Year 12 11th Grade SMA 2
17-18 Terminale Year 13 12th Grade SMA 3
LFB has siblings discounts on tuition fees for large families

Please fill information below starting with your eldest child as “First child”

First Child
First Registration Fees
Annual Registration Fees
Tuition Fees
Exams Fees
Total For The First Child
Second Child
10% discount on tuition fees
First Registration Fees
Annual Registration Fees
Tuition Fees
– 10% On Tuition Fees
Exams Fees
Total For The Second Child
Third Child
15% discount on tuition fees
First Registration Fees
Annual Registration Fees
Tuition Fees
– 15% On Tuition Fees
Exams Fees
Total For The Third Child
Fourth Child
20% discount on tuition fees
First Registration Fees
Annual Registration Fees
Tuition Fees
– 20% On Tuition Fees
Exams Fees
Total For The Fourth Child
Fifth Child
20% discount on tuition fees
First Registration Fees
Annual Registration Fees
Tuition Fees
– 20% On Tuition Fees
Exams Fees
Total For The Fifth Child
Total * IDR
Standard Annual Fees

The total amount shown here is for a payment made by August 31th, 2024.

Annual fees apply to students who attend school for more than 27 effective weeks during the school year.

There are package costs for short-term schooling or arriving during the school year. Registration is subject to approval by the Head of School and space availability.

How To Apply

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

We will issue an invoice. First registration fee and annual registration fee are to be paid before May 15th 2024 to guarantee priority access on school pre-registration list.

& Annual Fees

The first registration cost, annual registration fees, and tuition fees are all part of the school fees.

During the General Assembly meeting, the LFB School Board proposes school fees, which are then approved along with the following year’s budget.

A student’s first registration or continuing participation at LFB entails unequivocal agreement of all financial regulations specified below.

School Fees for 2024-2025

  • primary education Total *
  • TPS 66.500.000 IDR

    Kindergarten (2 years old)

  • PS 85.100.000 IDR

    Kindergarten (3 years old)

  • MS 85.100.000 IDR

    Kindergarten (4 years old)

  • GS 85.100.000 IDR

    Kindergarten (5 years old)

  • CP 113.400.000 IDR

    Elementary (6 years old)

  • CE1 113.400.000 IDR

    Elementary (7 years old)

  • CE2 113.400.000 IDR

    Elementary (8 years old)

  • CM1 113.400.000 IDR

    Elementary (9 years old)

  • CM2 113.400.000 IDR

    Elementary (10 years old)

  • high school Total *
  • 6ème 146.800.000 IDR

    Junior High (11 years old)

  • 5ème 146.800.000 IDR

    Junior High (12 years old)

  • 4ème 146.800.000 IDR

    Junior High (13 years old)

  • 3ème 149.800.000 IDR

    Junior High (14 years old)

  • 2nd 159.300.000 IDR

    Senior High (15 years old)

  • 1ère 163.300.000 IDR

    Senior High (16 years old)

  • Terminale 164.300.000 IDR

    Senior High (17 years old)

* 10.700.000 IDR Annual Registration Fees Included
** Full payment received before May 15th gets a 7% discount on tuition fees. For families registering a child for the first time at LFB, the following will be added:
– For TPS and PS classes, the first registration fees is not applicable but remain due upon first registration in higher classes (from MS to Terminale classes).
– From classes MS to CM2: 15.400.000 IDR per child; from classes 6ème to 3ème: 12.300.000 IDR per child; and from classes 2nde to Terminale: 8.200.000 IDR per child.
*** Registration fees to the DNB exam (Brevet de college) and Baccalauréat exam (high school final examinations) are to be added : amount if 3.000.000 IDR for class 3ème (grade 9), 4.000.000 IDR for class 1re (grade 11), 5.000.000 IDR for class Terminale (grade 12).
**** Registration to class 6ème and 5ème internationale section entails a supplement of 12.000.000 IDR per student, to the annual registration fees.


Students of French nationality may be eligible for a scholarship (Bourse) based on their family’s financial situation and registration with the French Consulate in Jakarta.

If the scholarship (Bourse) is awarded but does not cover the total annual School expenses, the remainder must be paid by the family.

Are You Ready To Enroll Online?


All donations to the Student Emergency Fund will directly support our students as they adapt to changing circumstances.


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BA Business Management